Dark TV


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Basic Package:
This package gives you the DarkTV Channel. It has upcoming hit shows, and the most popular movies available for only $3.95 per month.

Premium Package:
This package gives you DarkTV, DarkTV2, and DarkFamily. It includes even more of the shows you love, reruns, more time to see new hit movies, and a family channel for upcoming family programming for only $7.95 per month.

Dark Package:
This package gives you DarkTV, DarkTVHD, DarkTV2, DarkFamily, and DarkOnDemand. With DarkOnDemand, you can watch all of your favorite movies and shows whenever you want, day or night, with the ability to pause, fast forward, and rewind them with a click of your remote. With DarkTVHD, You can experience the best shows on television in the best picture clarity available. All of this is for just $10.95 per month.
